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Aan Full Hindi Movie Download (2022)

aan men at work movie aan hindi movie movie1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates generally to devices for measuring, recording, and/or communicating physiological signals. More particularly, the invention relates to apparatus for measuring, recording and/or communicating electrocardiographic and other physiological parameters. 2. Background Art The human heart has four chambers that are capable of taking in blood and delivering blood to the various parts of the body. In the healthy heart, the left and right atria are in communication with each other at the sino-atrial or xe2x80x9csa,xe2x80x9d junction and the left and right ventricles are also in communication with each other. A valve system enables the flow of blood between the chambers of the heart. In the healthy heart, electrical impulses cause the sinus node to depolarize and contract the atria forcing blood into the ventricles. The atria contract and the ventricles then contract and the cycle repeats. In a normal heart, the heart rate is between 60 and 100 beats per minute. There is normally a diurnal variation in the rate of the heart, which means that it varies throughout the day. There are many causes of disturbances in the normal functioning of the heart. Arrhythmia is one such disorder. The normal rhythm of the heart includes a pulse of the heart that is between 60 and 100 beats per minute. Other types of rhythm disturbances include bradycardia (slow pulse) and tachycardia (fast pulse). In some cases, the heart will conduct too much electrical current, thereby generating an electric potential in the heart that is greater than normal. A heart that conducts too much current will have an increased potential difference between the base and the apex of the heart. The potential difference is referred to as a xe2x80x9cdepolarization,xe2x80x9d and the electropotential can be measured and recorded to detect depolarizations. This is called an electrocardiogram. A recording of the electrocardiogram over time will show a xe2x80x9cP wavexe2x80x9d that indicates a normal potential difference. It will also show xe2x80x9cQRSxe2x80x9d and xe2x80x9cTxe2x80x9d waves that can be used to detect potential differences that indicate ac619d1d87

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